Thursday, November 29, 2007

Some Helpful Information

There has been a good deal of e-buzz since I started this BLOG and that is exactly what an online journal is meant to do. In the process, I've received a number of great suggestions and hope to see more coming in the near future. Some of the things we have discussed and will act on very soon are:
  1. Set a weekly, monthly, and an annual distance goal for our club
  2. Start an online journal to track how much we walk each week and where
  3. Sign each member up so we each can post comments on the BLOG
  4. Set up training so everyone knows how to access and use the BLOG
  5. Get regular feedback from members regarding the club and the BLOG so we can keep things interesting and exciting

On another note, I think it is important that everyone understands that our club is oriented toward support and reinforcement for all who come out and walk with the club each week. We want to walk fast enough that we know we exercised, but at a pace that we can talk with each other and enjoy a good conversation. Typically, I would think a 15 minute mile is a good benchmark to work toward. We can figure this number out by committee though.

One last thing, I found a site on the web that has some good information about basic walking. take a look at Our own weight watchers site has some good information as well. If you don't haver access to the e-tools and would like to see what weight watchers has to say just let me know.


General Notice Regarding the 12/1/2007 Walk

To all: Here is Bob's e-mail about our walk on Saturday, December 1st. Mary-------- Original Message --------
Re: 12/1/07 Walk of the Nameless Saturday Walking Group
Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2007 09:44:33 -0500
From: Bob
To: Mary & Tony

We are still on for Saturday at 7:15 AM same location. Once everyone gets up to speed for a longer walk we will start looking for alternatives......Bob

Placeholder for write-up on the 11/24/2007 walk

This is a placeholder to allow me to keep the write-ups in sequential order

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

A Collage Of Pictures From The First Walk

Hope You All Enjoy This. Just Click On The Picture And You Will Get A Full Size View On Your Screen. It has been awhile since I've worked on any BLOGs and I was never that good at it to begin with, so please bear with me as I get back up to speed. In the near future all members of our walking club will receive a special invitation to sign-up for the BLOG. After you go through the drill that Google will make you go through, you will be able to make comments and post on this site.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

November 17th

On a chilly Saturday morning in November 2007, some motivated people from the 6:30 AM Weight Watchers group met on the Brandon Parkway trail and "officially" began what will be known for some time as the Nameless Walking Club. If we wished to bring the exotic to our name we could always refer to our group, from the Gaelic, as Ne Ainm Siúl Cumann...nice ring but I don't think I'd get the votes to move it through committee.
We took a lovely walk of approximately two miles and then went to Golden Corral for breakfast. I'm not sure I understand the logic that gets people up to be at Weight Watchers at 6:30 AM and then off for a brisk walk to be followed by breakfast at Golden Corral. Now just to be clear, there is nothing at all wrong with Golden Corral. It is a fine restaurant and the food is good. However, fo me, going there for breakfast is much the same as taking a recovering alcoholic to O'Toole's with expectations that he will drink lemonade in celebration of his recent bought with sobriety. I must admit that corned beef hash and those wonderful omelets that the chef makes are more than any resistance I can muster up. My dilemma in a nutshell!
I am so happy that we are finally started. I expect good things from our club. As I build this BLOG, we should all be able to post and respond to posts. I will also limit accessibility to those of us who are invited to participate and I will lay out the rules (there must always be rules).