Saturday, November 21, 2009

The road less traveled.

Hello All,

Just thought I drop in and see how everyone is doing. I am hoping that Mary, Tony, Gary, Bob, Bonnie and all the others that remember me, know that I am thinking of you all..Gary, I miss you. Mary, get better. Tony, hold everyone together please...and Bob, thanks for still sending me emails.

I walk on YOUR grounds at least 3 times weekly. I walk the same route and sometimes, I venture off and walk myself to the mall and back. I find that no matter whom I am walking with, the time flies and the walk becomes a talk. I now affectionately call it a "walkie, Talkie".... back flash

Gary, Bob, Tony and I were walking some time ago,(over 1 year ago) and the topic of conversation was the "JERSEY BOYS". Gary & Bob had just seen the show and excitedly told Tony and I about the prior nights event. You could hear the excitement, their love for the music and the heart of the story flow from the words they spoke. Since we are all the same age group, "The 4 Seasons" were all known to us and we could almost in harmony sing "walk like a man". ha ha, I did say ALMOST..... Future

Just last week, I finally got a chance to see the show for myself. What a hoot. I loved the music, the show, the excitement and the music. It was amazing and I highly recommend for all ages. Great show to see, but even a better show to hear.

So....This week I go for another "walkie, talkie". I am telling the person I am walking with (the man who built the path by the way) all about Tony, Bob, and Gary. Oh yeah and the Jersey Boys. Telling the story about the story. So here it is, a year later, and I'm walking, talking about the time I walked with the guys, and "walked like a man".

Who said time does not repeat itself? Miss you all. Take care and as someone I know pretty well use to say " I hope to see LESS of you soon".

Love, Cindy

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Mileage Update - We have walked 942.65 miles over our Goal !

From : Mary M.

Wednesday, October 7th at the Brandon Mall in the evening
Tony - 3.0 miles
Bonnie F.
- 3.0 miles
Bob - 3.0 miles
Mary M. - 0.5 mile

Total = 9.5 miles

Saturday, October 10th at the Brandon Parkway Trail in the morning
Deborah - 2.0 miles
Bob - 2.8 miles
Bonnie F. - 2.8 miles
Tony - 2.8 miles
Mary - 2.0 miles

Total = 12.4 miles

Wednesday, October 14th at the Brandon Mall in the evening
Tony - 3.0 miles
Bonnie F.
- 3.0 miles
Bonnie P. - 0.4 mile
Mary M. - 0.4 mile

Total = 6.8 miles

Neighborhood Miles Walked and Reported

Midge - 107 miles (9/18 - 10/10) (Training for the Susan G. Komen 3-day Walk)
Jim - 60.0 miles (8/24 - 9/06)

Tony - 44.0 miles (10/4 - 10/14)

Total = 211.0 miles

Grand Total - 239.7 miles

If you have walked miles and I did not report them above, please send me the dates and miles walked via e-mail and I will include it in the next "Mileage Update".

Year-to-Date Total = 2951.65 miles - We are 942.65 miles over our 2009 Goal !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Miles to go to hit "2009 Miles in 2009" - 0.0 miles

The "2009 Miles in 2009" Celebration on Saturday, October 10th was a great success. We need to thank Bonnie Powell for being such a great party hostess.

Saturday, October 17th, we will be meeting at The Brandon Parkway Trail after the Weight Watcher Meeting which is around 7:15 AM.

We are going to meeting at the Brandon Mall Entrance by Panera Bread at 6:15 PM on Wednesday, October 21st to walk. The after walk social will be at Panera Bread. Tony and I will not be at this walk.

We were sadden to learn that Gary's daughter passed away, yesterday. Our thoughts and prayers are with Gary and his family in this very sad time. When I get any more information, I will send out an e-mail.

I will not be walking for a while, since I will be having a knee replacement on Monday, October 19th. I will miss seeing everybody and hope to be back to walking with you in a few months.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

No Walk on Saturday, September 26th or Wednesday, September 30th.

From : Mary M.

Saturday, September 26th at the Brandon Parkway Trail and Wednesday, September 30th at the mall, there will be no organized Nameless Walking Group walks. No regular walkers will be able to attend.

If you do walk at these locations on these days report the mileage as a Neighborhood walk.

Saturday, October 3rd, w
e will be meeting at The Brandon Parkway Trail after the Weight Watcher Meeting which is around 7:15 AM. Mary, Tony and Deborah will be out of town that day.

We are going to meeting at the Brandon Mall Entrance by Panera Bread at 6:15 PM on Wednesday, October 7th to walk. The after walk social will be at Panera Bread. Everybody will be back in town.

Mileage Update - We have walked 702.95 miles over our Goal !

From : Mary M.

Saturday, September 19th at the Brandon Parkway Trail in the morning
Deborah - 2.8 miles
Bob - 2.8 miles
Bonnie F. - 2.8 miles
Tony - 2.8 miles
Mary - 2.0 miles

Total = 12.2 miles

Wednesday, September 9th at the Brandon Mall in the evening
Tony - 3.0 miles
Bonnie F.
- 3.0 miles
Bob - 3.0 miles
Deborah - 3.0 miles
Mary M. - 1.0 mile

Total = 13.0 miles

Neighborhood Miles Walked and Reported

Mary. H. - 65.1 miles (8/08- 9/21)

Tony - 27.0 miles (9/18 - 9/23)

Total = 92.1 miles

Grand Total - 117.3 miles

If you have walked miles and I did not report them above, please send me the dates and miles walked via e-mail and I will include it in the next "Mileage Update".

Year-to-Date Total = 2711.95 miles - We are 702.95 miles over our 2009 Goal !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Miles to go to hit "2009 Miles in 2009" - 0.0 miles

Saturday, September 26th at the Brandon Parkway Trail and Wednesday, September 30th at the mall, there will be no organized Nameless Walking Group walks. No regular walkers will be able to attend.

If you do walk at these locations on these days report the mileage as a Neighborhood walk.

Saturday, October 3rd, w
e will be meeting at The Brandon Parkway Trail after the Weight Watcher Meeting which is around 7:15 AM. Mary, Tony and Deborah will be out of town that day.

We are going to meeting at the Brandon Mall Entrance by Panera Bread at 6:15 PM on Wednesday, September 9th to walk. The after walk social will be at Panera Bread. Everybody will be back in town.

September 19 2009 Walkers

Friday, September 18, 2009

Mileage Update - We have walked 585.65 miles over our Goal !

From : Mary M.

Wednesday, September 9th at the Brandon Mall in the evening
Tony - 3.0 miles
Bonnie F.
- 3.0 miles
Midge - 3.0 miles
Jim - 3.0 miles
Bonnie P. - 1.0 mile
Mary M. - 1.0 mile

Total = 15.0 miles

Saturday, September 12th at the Brandon Parkway Trail in the morning rained out

Wednesday, September 16nd at the Brandon Mall in the evening
Tony - 3.0 miles
Bonnie F.
- 3.0 miles
Midge - 3.0 miles
Jim - 3.0 miles
Bob - 3.0 miles
Deborah - 3.0 miles
Mary M. - 1.0 mile
Bonnie P. - 1.0 mile

Total = 20.0 miles

Neighborhood Miles Walked and Reported

Midge - 52.6 miles (9/07 - 9/17) (Training for the Susan G. Komen 3-day Walk)

Jim - 33.0 miles (8/24 - 9/06)

Gary - 17.0 miles (9/2 - 9/09)
Bob - 17.0 miles (9/2 - 9/09)
Tony - 37.8 miles (9/09 - 9/17)

Total = 157.4 miles

Grand Total - 192.4 miles

If you have walked miles and I did not report them above, please send me the dates and miles walked via e-mail and I will include it in the next "Mileage Update".

Year-to-Date Total = 2594.65 miles - We are 585.65 miles over our 2009 Goal !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Miles to go to hit "2009 Miles in 2009" - 0.0 miles

We will be meeting Saturday, September 19th at The Brandon Parkway Trail after the Weight Watcher Meeting which is around 7:15 AM.

We are going to meeting at the Brandon Mall Entrance by Panera Bread at 6:15 PM on Wednesday, September 23rd to walk. The after walk social will be at Panera Bread.

We have scheduled our "2009 Miles in 2009" Cookout Celebration for Saturday, October 10th from Noon on at Bonnie Powell's home in Brandon. I will be sending out an invitation e-mail on Friday, September 18th, that will need a reply RSVP by Tuesday, October 6th.

Midge and Jim leave for vacation on September 22nd. They are going on a cruise. Mary and Tony will be leaving for Upstate New York on September 24th and Deborah will be going to Chicago of a long weekend on September 25th. Hope everyone has safe travels.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Mileage Update - We have walked 393.25 miles over our Goal !

From : Mary M.

Wednesday, September 2nd at the Brandon Mall in the evening
Tony - 3.0 miles
Bonnie F.
- 3.0 miles
Midge - 3.0 miles
Jim - 3.0 miles
Bonnie P. - 1.0 mile
Sumayyieh - 3.0 miles
Mary M. - 1.0 mile

Total = 17.0 miles

Saturday, September 5th at the Brandon Parkway Trail in the morning
Tony - 2.8 miles
Bonnie F. - 2.8 miles
Deborah - 2.8 miles
Sumayyieh - 2.8 miles
Mary M. - 2.0 miles
Bonnie P. - 2.0 miles

Total = 15.2 miles

Neighborhood Miles Walked and Reported

Midge - 80.3 miles (8/24 - 9/06) (Training for the Susan G. Komen 3-day Walk)

Jim - 42.0 miles (8/24 - 9/06)

Gary - 6.8 miles (8/31,9/01)
Bob - 6.8 miles (8/31 - 9/01)
Tony - 53.3 miles (8/23 - 9/5)

Total = 187.2 miles

Grand Total - 219.4 miles

If you have walked miles and I did not report them above, please send me the dates and miles walked via e-mail and I will include it in the next "Mileage Update".

Year-to-Date Total = 2402.25 miles - We are 393.25 miles over our 2009 Goal !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Miles to go to hit "2009 Miles in 2009" - 0.0 miles

We are going to meeting at the Brandon Mall Entrance by Panera Bread at 6:15 PM on Wednesday, September 9th to walk. The after walk social will be at Panera Bread.

We will be meeting Saturday, September 12th at The Brandon Parkway Trail after the Weight Watcher Meeting which is around 7:15 AM.

We have scheduled our "2009 Miles in 2009" Cookout Celebration for Saturday, October 10th from Noon on at Bonnie Powell's home in Brandon. I will be sending out an invitation e-mail on Monday, September 21st, that will need a reply RSVP by Monday, October 5th.

Mary celebrated her Birthday on Sunday, September 6th at Disney World. Bonnie F., Al, Erik, and Deborah we able to join Mary and Tony at the Magic Kingdom on Sunday. It was a lot of fun for everybody and a Magical Birthday for Mary.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Mileage Update - We have walked 173.85 miles over our Goal!

From : Mary M.

Wednesday, August 26th at the Brandon Mall in the evening
Tony - 3.0 miles
Bonnie F.
- 3.0 miles
Midge - 3.0 miles
Jim - 3.0 miles

Total = 12.0 miles

Saturday, August 29th at the Brandon Parkway Trail in the morning
Tony - 2.8 miles
Cindy - 2.8 miles
Gary - 2.8 miles
Bonnie F. - 2 miles
Mary M. - 2.0 miles
Bonnie P. - 2.0 miles

Total = 14.4 miles

Neighborhood Miles Walked and Reported

Midge - 36 miles (8/17 - 8/23) (Training for the Susan G. Komen 3-day Walk)

Jim - 21.0 miles (8/17 - 8/23)

Gary - 6.8 miles (8/16 - 8/23)
Bob - 6.8 miles (8/16 - 8/23)

Total = 70.6 miles

Grand Total - 97.0 miles

If you have walked miles and I did not report them above, please send me the dates and miles walked via e-mail and I will include it in the next "Mileage Update".

Year-to-Date Total = 2182.85 miles - We are 173.85 miles over our 2009 Goal !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Miles to go to hit "2009 Miles in 2009" - 0.0 miles

We are going to meeting at the Brandon Mall Entrance by Panera Bread at 6:15 PM on Wednesday, September 2nd to walk. The after walk social will be at Panera Bread.

We will be meeting Saturday, September 5th at The Brandon Parkway Trail after the Weight Watcher Meeting which is around 7:15 AM.

Gary and Cindy walked with us this morning. It was great to have them back with us. We do miss them very much.

We have scheduled our "2009 Miles in 2009" Cookout Celebration for Saturday, October 10th from Noon on at Bonnie Powell's home in Brandon.

August 29, 2009 Walking with two honored guests

Sunday, August 23, 2009

New York Sampler

Some Highlights From New York

Don't think you all get to be the only ones having fun on Saturdays. I have been exploring up in New York in an effort to find some suitable walking and biking trails....I find there are many, but you need to search them out. I have a few pictures to share that I think you will find exciting. When I get a chance I'll put them in together a slide show for your viewing pleasure.

A Note From Gary Black

It has been some time now since I have had the pleasure and the honor of walking the Brandon trails with the dedicated members of the Nameless Walking Group. Such an opportunity presented itself this past Saturday August 22, 2009. Mary, Tony, Bonnie and Bob were all there as if I had never left. It would have been fun to see the rest of the group as well, but I was happy just knowing that the group has not only survived but is well on its way to accomplishing its group goal for the second straight year.

I miss you all and hope to run in to you again on the trails the next time I have the opportunity to get back down to Tampa

Be well all

August 22, 2009 Walkers

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Mileage Update - Over 1950 miles walked in 2009!!!!

From : Mary M.

Saturday, August 8th at the Brandon Parkway Trail in the morning
Tony - 3.1 miles
Bonnie F. - 3.1 miles
Deborah - 3.1 miles
Irene - 3.1 miles
Debbie - 3.1 miles
Mary M. - 1.3 miles
Bonnie P. - 1.3 miles

Total = 18.1 miles

Neighborhood Miles Walked and Reported

Midge - 40 miles (8/3 - 8/9) (Training for the Susan G. Komen 3-day Walk)

Jim - 21.0 miles (8/3 - 8/9)

Tony - 16.3 miles (8/8 - 8/11)

Total = 77.3 miles

Grand Total - 95.4 miles

If you have walked miles and I did not report them above, please send me the dates and miles walked via e-mail and I will include it in the next "Mileage Update".

Year-to-Date Total = 1961.75 miles

Miles to go to hit "2009 Miles in 2009" - 47.25 miles

We are going to meeting at the Brandon Mall Entrance by Panera Bread at 6:15 PM on Wednesday, August 12th to walk. The after walk social will be at Panera Bread.

We will be meeting Saturday, August 15th at The Brandon Parkway Trail after the Weight Watcher Meeting which is around 7:15 AM. Deborah, Bonnie F., Tony and I will be away on August 15th and not walking with the group on Saturday.

Irene and Debbie joined us on walk on Staurday, August 8th. They found out about us through Weight Watchers and hope to walk with the group often.

If you are interested in walking in the Susan G, Komen "Race for The Cure" 5k on Saturday, October 3rd in St. Petersburg, please send me an e-mail. Tony, Deborah and I will be out of town on October 3rd, but if there are members who would like to participate in this event, I will be glad to coordinate getting the Team registered and participators signed up.

The "Donate Life 5K" is in Brandon on Sunday, September 20th at 8:00 AM. It starts at the Brandon LA Fitness 2890 Providence Lakes Blvd.
It is an out and back race going out East Bound on Lumsden Road for 1.55 miles and returning to the area where the race started. It is a competitive and non-competitive 5k run or walk dedicated to increasing participation in organ and tissue donor registration, and to assist waiting list patients with travel and medical cost not covered by insurance or Medicaid. This a great cause and it is close to home. I know that there will be some Weight Watcher Walkers participating. You can go on-line and register at . If you need help getting registered, I will be glad to help, just e-mail me.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Mileage Update - Over 1850 miles walked in 2009!!!!

From : Mary M.

Saturday, August 1st at the Brandon Parkway Trail in the morning
Bob - 2.8 miles
Tony - 2.8 miles
Bonnie F. - 2.8 miles
Deborah - 2.8 miles
Rachael - 2.8 miles
Mary M. - .5 mile

Total = 14.5 miles

Wednesday, August 5th at the Brandon Mall in the evening
Tony - 3.0 miles
Midge - 3.0 miles
Jim - 3.0 miles
Deborah - 3.0 miles
Bob - 3.0 miles

Total = 15.0 miles

Neighborhood Miles Walked and Reported

Midge - 39 miles (7/27 - 8/2) (Training for the Susan G. Komen 3-day Walk)

Jim - 21.0 miles (7/27 - 8/2)

Tony - 36.8 miles (7/30 - 8/7)
Bonnie F. - 8.8 miles (7/26-8/1)
Mary H. - 9.3 miles (8/1, 8/2, 8/3)
Pam V. - 6.2 miles (8/2, 8/3)

Total = 121.1 miles

Grand Total - 150.6 miles

If you have walked miles and I did not report them above, please send me the dates and miles walked via e-mail and I will include it in the next "Mileage Update".

Year-to-Date Total = 1866.35 miles

Miles to go to hit "2009 Miles in 2009" - 142.65 miles

We will be meeting Saturday, August 8th at The Brandon Parkway Trail after the Weight Watcher Meeting which is around 7:15 AM.

We are going to meeting at the Brandon Mall Entrance by Panera Bread at 6:15 PM on Wednesday, August 12th to walk. The after walk social will be at Panera Bread.

Bonnie P.'s grand children have completed their Florida vacation and are now back home in New Hampshire. Bonnie F. is back from her get-away in Vero Beach with her grand children.

We are getting close to our goal of "2009 Miles in 2009". We should hit it by 22nd of August. Bob said that Gary does know what dates he will be home in August. Hopefully we can plan our celebration cookout when Gary is in Florida, so he can join us.

If you are interested in walking in the Susan G, Komen "Race for The Cure" 5k on Saturday, October 3rd in St. Petersburg, please send me an e-mail. Tony, Deborah and I will be out of town on October 3rd, but if there are members who would like to participate in this event, I will be glad to coordinate getting the Team registered and participators signed up.

The "Donate Life 5K" is in Brandon on Sunday, September 20th at 8:00 AM. It starts at the Brandon LA Fitness 2890 Providence Lakes Blvd.
It is an out and back race going out East Bound on Lumsden Road for 1.55 miles and returning to the area where the race started. It is a competitive and non-competitive 5k run or walk dedicated to increasing participation in organ and tissue donor registration, and to assist waiting list patients with travel and medical cost not covered by insurance or Medicaid. This a great cause and it is close to home. I know that there will be some Weight Watcher Walkers participating. You can go on-line and register at . If you need help getting registered, I will be glad to help, just e-mail me.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Mileage Update - Over 1700 miles walked in 2009!!!!

From : Mary M.

Wednesday, July 22nd at the Brandon Mall in the evening
Tony - 3.0 miles
Bonnie F.
- 3.0 miles
Deborah - 3.0 miles
Bob - 3.0 miles

Total = 12.0 miles

Saturday, July 25th at the Brandon Parkway Trail in the morning
Bob - 3.1 miles
Tony - 3.1 miles
Bonnie F. - 1.5 miles
Mary M. - 1.5 mile

Total = 9.2 miles

Wednesday, July 29th at the Brandon Mall in the evening
Tony - 3.0 miles
Bonnie F.
- 3.0 miles
Midge - 3.0 miles
Jim - 3.0 miles
Deborah - 3.0 miles
Bob - 3.0 miles

Total = 18.0 miles

Neighborhood Miles Walked and Reported

Midge - 38.8 miles (7/20 - 7/26) (Training for the Susan G. Komen 3-day Walk)

Jim - 21.0 miles (6/22 - 7/12)

Tony - 29.0 miles (7/22 - 7/29)

Total = 88.8 miles

Grand Total - 128.0 miles

If you have walked miles and I did not report them above, please send me the dates and miles walked via e-mail and I will include it in the next "Mileage Update".

Year-to-Date Total = 1715.75 miles

Miles to go to hit "2009 Miles in 2009" - 293.25 miles

We will be meeting Saturday, August 1st at The Brandon Parkway Trail after the Weight Watcher Meeting which is around 7:15 AM.

We are going to meeting at the Brandon Mall Entrance by Panera Bread at 6:15 PM on Wednesday, August 5th to walk. The after walk social will be at Panera Bread.

If you are interested in walking in the Susan G, Komen "Race for The Cure" 5k on Saturday, October 3rd in St. Petersburg, please send me an e-mail. Tony, Deborah and I will be out of town on October 3rd, but if there are members who would like to participate in this event, I will be glad to coordinate getting the Team registered and participators signed up.

We are also looking at some other charity walks in the Fall for the group to participate in. When I have more information, I will send it out via e-mail.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Mileage Update - Over 1500 miles walked in 2009!!!!

From : Mary M.

Wednesday, July 15th at the Brandon Mall in the evening
Tony - 3.0 miles
Bonnie F.
- 3.0 miles
Midge - 3.0 miles
Jim - 3.0 miles
Deborah - 3.0 miles

Total = 15.0 miles

Saturday, July 18th at the Brandon Parkway Trail in the morning
Deborah - 2 miles
Bob - 3.1 miles
Tony - 3.1 miles
Bonnie F. - 3.1 miles
Mary M. - .5 mile

Total = 8.8 miles

Sunday, July 19th at Al Lopez Park Tampa at the "Run to the Horizon" 5K Race in the morning

Tony, Bonnie F., Deborah, Midge, Rachael, Pam V., Mary H., Liane and Norris

Total = 27.9 miles

Neighborhood Miles Walked and Reported

Midge - 36 miles (7/13 - 7/19) (Training for the Susan G. Komen 3-day Walk)

Jim - 21.0 miles (6/22 - 7/12)

Tony - 29 miles (7/13 - 7/21)
Deborah - 2.4 miles (7/11, 7/12)

Total = 88.4 miles

Grand Total - 140.1 miles

If you have walked miles and I did not report them above, please send me the dates and miles walked via e-mail and I will include it in the next "Mileage Update".

Year-to-Date Total = 1587.75 miles

Miles to go to hit "2009 Miles in 2009" - 421.25 miles

The "Run to the Horizon" at Al Lopez Park on Sunday, July 19th was a great success. Check the pictures and video that are on the Blog from this event.

We will be meeting Saturday, July 25th at The Brandon Parkway Trail after the Weight Watcher Meeting which is around 7:15 AM.

We are going to meeting at the Brandon Mall Entrance by Panera Bread at 6:15 PM on Wednesday, July 22nd to walk. The after walk social will be at Panera Bread.

If you are interested in walking in the Susan G, Komen "Race for The Cure" 5k on Saturday, October 3rd in St. Petersburg, please send me an e-mail. Tony, Deborah and I will be out of town on October 3rd, but if there are members who would like to participate in this event, I will be glad to coordinate getting the Team registered and participators signed up.

We are also looking at some other charity walks in the Fall for the group to participate in. When I have more information, I will send it out via e-mail.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Mileage Update - Less Than 575 Miles to Go!

From : Mary M.

Wednesday, July 8th at the Brandon Mall in the evening
Tony - 3.0 miles
Bonnie F.
- 3.0 miles
Midge - 3.0 miles
Jim - 3.0 miles
Bonnie P. - 1.0 miles
Deborah - 1.0 miles

Total = 14.0 miles

Saturday, July 11th at the Brandon Parkway Trail in the morning
Deborah - 2.8 miles
Bob - 3.1 miles
Tony - 3.1 miles
Eric - 3.1 miles
Bonnie F. - 3.1 miles
Summayyieh - 3.1 miles
Bonnie P. - .5 mile
Mary M. - .5 mile

Total = 19.3 miles

Neighborhood Miles Walked and Reported

Midge - 91.3 miles (6/22 - 7/12) (Training for the Susan G. Komen 3-day Walk)

Jim - 57.0 miles (6/22 - 7/12)

Tony - 14.8 miles (6/26 - 7/12)
Bonnie F. - 4.4 miles (7/6, 7/7)

Total = 167.5 miles

Grand Total - 200.8 miles

If you have walked miles and I did not report them above, please send me the dates and miles walked via e-mail and I will include it in the next "Mileage Update".

Year-to-Date Total = 1447.65 miles

Miles to go to hit "2009 Miles in 2009" - 561.35 miles

Sunday July 19th is the "Run to the Horizon" at Al Lopez Park. If you are participating in the event, you need to be at the park around 7:15 AM. The race is scheduled to start at 7:45 AM. We will meet around the registration/packet pick-up area by 7:30 AM. If you are interested in car pooling from Brandon to Tampa, please send me an e-mail and I will try to coordinate rides for those who wish to car pool.

We will be meeting Saturday, July 18th at The Brandon Parkway Trail after the Weight Watcher Meeting which is around 7:15 AM.

We are going to meeting at the Brandon Mall Entrance by Panera Bread at 6:15 PM on Wednesday, July 15th to walk. The after walk social will be at Panera Bread.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Mileage Update - Less Than 775 Miles to Go!

From : Mary M.

Saturday, June 27th at the Brandon Parkway Trail in the morning
Mary M. - 3.1 miles
Tony - 3.1 miles
Bonnie F. - 3.1 miles
Marisa - 3.0 miles
Eric - 3.1 miles
Marie - 2.0 miles

Total = 17.4 miles

Wednesday, July 1st at the Brandon Mall in the evening
Tony - 3.0 miles
Bonnie F.
- 3.0 miles
Bob - 3.0 miles
Mary M. - 2.8 miles
Midge - 2.8 miles

Jim - 2.5 miles

Total = 17.1 miles

Neighborhood Miles Walked and Reported

Mary M. - 14.1 miles (6/26, 6/27, 6/28, 6/30)
Tony -
14.1 miles (6/26, 6/27, 6/28, 6/30)
Bonnie P. - 7.7 miles (6/21, 6/22, 6/23, 6/24, 6/25)

Total = 35.9 miles

Grand Total - 70.4 miles

If you have walked miles and I did not report them above, please send me the dates and miles walked via e-mail and I will include it in the next "Mileage Update".

Year-to-Date Total = 1246.85 miles

Miles to go to hit "2009 Miles in 2009" - 762.15 miles

Deborah is back from Las Vegas and her grand daughter is doing much better.

Pam L. will be back walking with us in August. Her family commitments will keep her busy every weekend in July.

Tony and I are off to Jacksonville for the 4th of July.

Since Saturday is the 4th of July, there will be no walk at the Trail that morning.

We are going to meeting at the Brandon Mall Entrance by Panera Bread at 6:15 PM on Wednesday, July 8th to walk. The after walk social will be at Panera Bread.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Mileage Update - Less Than 850 Miles to Go!

From : Mary M.

Saturday, June 20th at the Brandon Parkway Trail in the morning
Deborah - 3.1 miles
Rachael - 3.1 miles
Bonnie P. - 2.0 miles
Marie - 2.0 Miles

Total = 10.2 miles

Wednesday, June 24th at the Brandon Mall in the evening
Tony - 3.0 miles
Bonnie F.
- 3.0 miles
Bob - 3.0 miles
Mary M. - 3.0 miles
Midge - 3.0 miles
Jim - 3.0 miles
Bonnie P. - 2.6 miles

Total = 20.6 miles

Neighborhood Miles Walked and Reported

Midge - 34.7 miles (6/15, 6/16, 6/17, 6/18,6/19, 6/20,6/21)

Jim - 21.0 miles (6/15, 6/16, 6/17, 6/18,6/19, 6/20,6/21)
Deborah - 2.8 miles (6/13, 6/22)
Mary M. - 11.5 miles (6/23, 6/24, 6/25)
Tony -
11.5 miles (6/23, 6/24, 6/25)
Lori - 2.75 miles (6/20)
Bonnie F. - 7.2 miles
(6/16, 6/17, 6/18, 6/19)
Mary H. - 12.4 miles (6/11, 6/12, 6/13, 6/23)

Total = 103.85 miles

Grand Total - 134.65 miles

If you have walked miles and I did not report them above, please send me the dates and miles walked via e-mail and I will include it in the next "Mileage Update".

Year-to-Date Total = 1176.45 miles

Miles to go to hit "2009 Miles in 2009" - 832.55 miles

Deborah is in Las Vegas until Monday, June 29th. She made the unexpected trip due to an illness in the family. We missed her Wednesday evening. Wednesday. We are praying that everything turns out OK for Deborah and her family.

We are back from our rainy trip to New York. We had dinner with Gary. It was great to see him. He is going to plan to come home sometime for a weekend in the fall.

Marie was back walking on Saturday June 20th. It great to have her back. We hope Christine will be walking with us on Saturday. Christine is very busy with work and family right now. We hope that Pam L. will be back with us soon, too.

Midge is doing the Susan G. Komen 3-day walk to cure Breast Cancer. Anyone interested in donating to Midge's fund raising, e-mail me and I will send you midge's contact information.

On Wednesday evening at the After Walk Social, we discussed the next Nameless Walking Group Celebration. With our neighborhood walks, we should be at "2009 Miles" in September or early October. Bonnie P. volunteered to have a hamburger and hot dog cookout at her house. It is really too hot in the summer to do a cookout, we decide to wait until we are at our 2009 Mile Goal to have the celebration. That will also allow us to add to the $51.00 in donations that "Betty the Banker" currently has. It also might be possible to coordinate the date with Gary, so he could attend when he is here in Florida.

There is still plenty of time
to sign-up at to do the "Run to the Horizon" to join the Nameless Walking Group of Brandon on July 19th at Al Lopez Park.

We will be meeting Saturday, June 27th at The Brandon Parkway Trail after the Weight Watcher Meeting which is around 7:15 AM.

We are going to meeting at the Brandon Mall Entrance by Panera Bread at 6:15 PM on Wednesday, July 1st to walk. The after walk social will be at Panera Bread.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Mileage Update

We are more than halfway to "2009 Miles in 2009"!!!!

From : Mary M.

Saturday, June 13th at the Brandon Parkway Trail in the morning
Deborah - 3.1 miles
Bonnie F. - 3.1 miles
Sumayyieh - 3.1 miles
Tish - 3.1 miles
Kyra - 3.1 miles
Lori - 3.0 miles
Bonnie P. - 2.0 miles
Bob - 3.5 miles
Tony - 3.1 miles

Total = 27.1 miles

Neighborhood Miles Walked and Reported

Mary M. - 20.5 miles (6/12, 6/13, 6/14,6/15, 6/16 )
Tony -
20.5 miles (6/12, 6/13, 6/14,6/15, 6/16 )
Bonnie P. 1.1 miles (6/16)

Total = 42.1 miles

Grand Total - 69.2 miles

If you have walked miles and I did not report them above, please send me the dates and miles walked via e-mail and I will include it in the next "Mileage Update".

Year-to-Date Total = 1041.8 miles

Miles to go to hit "2009 Miles in 2009" - 967.2 miles

Congratulations! We are over halfway to our GOAL of "2009 Miles in 2009". We are going to have a "More Than Halfway There" Party to celebrate. Party planning will start at the after walk social at Panera Bread on the Wednesday, June 24th. I will have the dollar amount in Betty the Banker that evening.

There is still plenty of time
to sign-up at to do the "Run to the Horizon" to join the Nameless Walking Group of Brandon on July 19th at Al Lopez Park. Teri at Weight Watchers said that Weight Watchers is going to have iron-on transfers for t-shirts for the event. They want people to put it on a bright yellow t-shirt. Teri needs to know how many people are signed-up. These are the Nameless Walking Group's walkers that I am sure are signed up - Mary M., Tony, Bonnie F., Midge, Rachael,and Deborah. We can discuss what t-shirts we want to wear for this event at the after walk social on Wednesday, June 24th.

Tony and I will be in New York and will miss this week's Wednesday and Saturday walks

We will be meeting Saturday, June 20th at The Brandon Parkway Trail after the Weight Watcher Meeting which is around
7:15 AM.

We are going to meeting at the Brandon Mall Entrance by Panera Bread at 6:15 PM on Wednesday, June 24th to walk. The after walk social will be at Panera Bread.

June 13 2009 Walkers

June 6 2009 Walkers

The only picture from Deborah

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Mileage Update

From : Mary M.

Saturday, May 30th at the Brandon Parkway Trail in the morning
Deborah - 3.1 miles
Bonnie F. - 3.1 miles
Sumayyieh - 3.1 miles
Midge -3.1 miles

Total = 12.4 miles

Wednesday, June 3rd at the Brandon Mall in the evening
Eric - 3.0 miles
Bonnie F.
- 3.0 miles
Liane - 1.5 miles
Deborah - 3.0 miles
Midge - 4.6 miles
Jim - 3.0 miles

Total = 18.1 miles

Saturday, June 6th at the Brandon Parkway Trail in the morning
Deborah - 3.1 miles
Bonnie F. - 3.1 miles
Eric - 3.1 miles
Tish - 3.1 miles
Sumayyieh - 3.1 miles

Total = 15.5 miles

Wednesday, June 10th at the Brandon Mall in the evening
Tony - 3.0 miles
Bonnie F.
- 3.0 miles
Bob - 3.0 miles
Deborah - 1.5 miles
Midge - 3.0 miles
Jim - 1.5 miles
Bonnie P. 1.5 miles

Total = 16.5 miles

Neighborhood Miles Walked and Reported

Midge - 33.0 miles (5/31,6/1,6/2,6/4,6/5,6/6)
Jim - 18.6 miles (
Deborah - 2.4 miles (6/1)
Mary M. - 12.5 miles (6/9, 6/10, 6/11)
Tony -
12.5 miles (6/9, 6/10, 6/11)
Cassidy - 3.5 miles (5/29)
Bonnie F. 9.0 miles (5/??, 5/??)
Mary H. - 3.1 miles ( 6/9)

Total = 94.6 miles

Grand Total - 157.1 miles

If you have walked miles and I did not report them above, please send me the dates and miles walked via e-mail and I will include it in the next "Mileage Update".

Year-to-Date Total = 972.6 miles

Miles to go to hit "2009 Miles in 2009" - 1036.4 miles

I hope that I have all of the miles walked recorded correctly. I want to thank Deborah for getting me the information for the Wednesday and Saturday walks while we were gone.

Bonnie P. is back from New Hampshire and will be in town for most of the summer. Bonnie's grand children will be visiting in July for 3 weeks. Hopefully she will bring them to our walks.

Christine hopes to be back walking with us next week. She has been very busy with work and family.
Marie has also missed out on our walks due to family issues. She hopes that things will settle down and she can walk with us on Saturdays.

We had sad news this week, Pam's Mom passed away on Sunday in Chicago from breast cancer. If you would like to express you sympathies, e-mail me and I will send you Pam's contact information.

Midge is doing the Susan G. Komen 3-day walk to cure Breast Cancer. Anyone interested in donating to Midge's fund raising, e-mail me and I will send you midge's contact information.

Tony and I had a wonderful time in Maine, but are glad to be home for a short while. We will be leaving for Long Island, New York next Wednesday. We are planning to see Gary and walk with him while we are in the New York area.

Bonnie F. and Al have closed on their north Georgia vacation property, where they will hook up their motor home. They are hoping to spend some time there in August.

There is still plenty of time
to sign-up at to do the "Run to the Horizon" to join the Nameless Walking Group of Brandon on July 19th at Al Lopez Park.

We will be meeting Saturday, June 13th at The Brandon Parkway Trail after the Weight Watcher Meeting which is around
7:15 AM.

We are going to meeting at the Brandon Mall Entrance by Panera Bread at 6:15 PM on Wednesday, June 17th to walk. The after walk social will be at Panera Bread.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Mileage Update - Over 850 Miles in 2009!

From : Mary M.

Wednesday, May 20th at the Brandon Mall in the evening

Bonnie F.
- 3.0 miles
Mary - 3.0 miles
Tony - 3.0 miles
Bob - 3.0 miles
Deborah - 3.0 miles

Total = 15.0 miles

Neighborhood Miles Walked and Reported

Mary - 13.5 miles (5/26, 5/27, 5/28)
Tony -
13.5 miles (5/26, 5/27, 5/28)

Total = 27.0 miles

Year-to-Date Total = 857.75 miles

Miles to go to hit "2009 Miles in 2009" - 1151.25 miles

Deborah will be sitting in for me when I am gone. She will record mileage form the group walks. If you have Neighborhood Miles to report, please wait until I am back June 8th to report it. Give the dates walked and the total miles for all of the date you gave.

Wednesday night walks are meeting at the Brandon Mall Entrance by Panera Bread at 6:15 PM. We will be walking at the Mall until further notice. The after walk social will be at Panera Bread.

Saturday morning walks will be meeting at The Brandon Parkway Trail after the Weight Watcher Meeting, which is around 7:15 AM.

May 27 2009 Walkers

Monday, May 25, 2009

Mileage Update - Over 800 Miles in 2009!

From : Mary M.

Wednesday, May 20th at the Brandon Mall in the evening
Al - 1 mile
Bonnie F.
- 3.0 miles
Mary - 3.0 miles
Tony - 3.0 miles
Midge - 3.0 miles
Jim - 2.0 miles
Deborah - 3.0 miles

Total = 18.0 miles

Saturday, May 23rd at the Brandon Parkway Trail in the morning
Deborah - 3.1 miles
Christine - 3.1 miles
Bob - 3.1 miles
Tony - 3.1 miles
Rachael - 3.1 miles
Sumayyieh - 3.1 miles
Midge - 3.1 miles
Ms. Dupree - 3.1miles

Total = 24.8 miles

Neighborhood Miles Walked and Reported

Midge - 12.4 miles (5/18,5/19,5/21, 5/23)
Jim - 16.4 miles (5/18,5/19,5/20, 5/21, 5/23)
Deborah - .8 miles (5/18)
Mary - 29.6 miles (5/17, 5/18, 5/19, 5/20, 5/22)
Tony -
29.6 miles (5/16, 5/17, 5/18, 5/19, 5/20, 5/22, 5/23, 5/24, 5/25)

Total = 88.8 miles

If you have walked miles and I did not report them above, please send me the dates and miles walked via e-mail and I will include it in the next "Mileage Update".

Year-to-Date Total = 815.75 miles

Miles to go to hit "2009 Miles in 2009" - 1193.25 miles

Ms. Dupree is a student of Bonnie F.'s. She joined us on Saturday, May 23rd. Summayyieh and Ms. Dupree are great additions to the walking group. We hope to see on our future walks. The after walk bagel breakfast at May and Tony's was a great success. After breakfast, I helped Rachael and Midge got signed up for the "Run to the Horizon". There is still plenty of time to sign-up at to do the "Run to the Horizon" to join the Nameless Walking Group of Brandon on July 19th at Al Lopez Park.

We are going to meeting at the Brandon Mall Entrance by Panera Bread at 6:15 PM on Wednesday, May 27th to walk. The after walk social will be at Panera Bread.

We will be meeting Saturday, May 30th at The Brandon Parkway Trail after the Weight Watcher Meeting which is around 7:15 AM.

Bonnie P. is in New Hampshire visiting her son and his family. Bonnie is returning to Florida on June 1st. Mary and Tony leave for Bangor, Maine on Friday, May 29th. We will be returning to Florida on Sunday, June 7th.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Less Than 1325 miles to go to "2009 Miles in 2009".

From : Mary M.

Saturday, May 16th on the Brandon Parkway Trail in the morning
Bonnie F. - 3.1 miles
Deborah - 3.1 miles
Christine - 3.1 miles
Mary - 3.1 miles
Tony - 3.1 miles
Rachael - 3.1 miles
Sumayyieh - 3.1 miles
Midge - 3.1 miles
Bonnie P. - 2 miles

Total = 26.8 miles

Neighborhood Miles Walked and Reported

Bonnie F. - 9.9 miles (5/11, 5/12, 5/14, 5/15)
Janet - 3.3 miles (5/12)
Midge - 12.4 miles (5/11,5/12,5/14,5/15)
Jim - 12.4 miles (5/11,5/12,5/14, 5/15)
Deborah - 1.6 miles (5/15)
Mary - 12.5 miles (5/11, 5/14, 5/15)
Tony -
12.5 miles (5/11, 5/14, 5/15)

Total = 64.6 miles

If you have walked miles and I did not report them above, please send me the dates and miles walked via e-mail and I will include it in the next "Mileage Update".

Year-to-Date Total = 684.15 miles

Miles to go to hit "2009 Miles in 2009" - 1324.85 miles

Sumayyieh joined us to walk on Saturday. She is a student of Bonnie F.'s. Summayyieh hopes to join on Wednesday's also. She has been added to The Nameless Walking Group Distribution E-Mail List.

We are going to meeting at the Brandon Mall Entrance by Panera Bread at 6:15 PM on Wednesday, May 20th to walk. The after walk social will be at Panera Bread. We are going to see how parking is by Panera Bread on May 20th. If parking is better than at the Food Court Entrance will continue to meet at the Entrance by Panera Bread, if it is not as good as the Food Court Entrance, we will return to the Food Court Entrance meeting to walk. We will decide at the social on where are going to meat on Wednesday, May 27th.

Don't forget to sign-up at to do the "Run to the Horizon" to join the Nameless Walking Group of Brandon on July 19th at Al Lopez Park.

We will be meeting Saturday, May 23rd at The Brandon Parkway Trail after the Weight Watcher Meeting which is around 7:15 AM. Hope to see you there.