Saturday, November 21, 2009

The road less traveled.

Hello All,

Just thought I drop in and see how everyone is doing. I am hoping that Mary, Tony, Gary, Bob, Bonnie and all the others that remember me, know that I am thinking of you all..Gary, I miss you. Mary, get better. Tony, hold everyone together please...and Bob, thanks for still sending me emails.

I walk on YOUR grounds at least 3 times weekly. I walk the same route and sometimes, I venture off and walk myself to the mall and back. I find that no matter whom I am walking with, the time flies and the walk becomes a talk. I now affectionately call it a "walkie, Talkie".... back flash

Gary, Bob, Tony and I were walking some time ago,(over 1 year ago) and the topic of conversation was the "JERSEY BOYS". Gary & Bob had just seen the show and excitedly told Tony and I about the prior nights event. You could hear the excitement, their love for the music and the heart of the story flow from the words they spoke. Since we are all the same age group, "The 4 Seasons" were all known to us and we could almost in harmony sing "walk like a man". ha ha, I did say ALMOST..... Future

Just last week, I finally got a chance to see the show for myself. What a hoot. I loved the music, the show, the excitement and the music. It was amazing and I highly recommend for all ages. Great show to see, but even a better show to hear.

So....This week I go for another "walkie, talkie". I am telling the person I am walking with (the man who built the path by the way) all about Tony, Bob, and Gary. Oh yeah and the Jersey Boys. Telling the story about the story. So here it is, a year later, and I'm walking, talking about the time I walked with the guys, and "walked like a man".

Who said time does not repeat itself? Miss you all. Take care and as someone I know pretty well use to say " I hope to see LESS of you soon".

Love, Cindy