Well it is cloudy, 45 degrees with winds gusting out of the South to about 20 MPH and 9:00 AM. Welcome to a typical late winter Long Island morning and the day of the Little Cow Harbor Run for Hope.
Maryann and I are participating in the Little Cow Harbor Run for Hope....only we are walking. Yes, we will walk for Hope. I think Hope will still be well served with a walk.
It has been a while since we have signed up and completed one of these events so I'm feeling pretty good about it. The organizers have done an incredible job and surrounding area is stuningly beautiful.
The adjectives are well earned in both cases. The organizers deserve a hearty round of applause. We love a well organized event.
We finished in just over an hour averaging out to about 15 minutes per mile which is about average, but not bad considereing I had surgery only last Thursday. The miracles of modern medicine! My next significant event is not until June but I'll be training for that and plan to post my progress out here for posterity