Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Mileage Update - Over 375 Miles in 2009!

From : Mary M.

Saturday, April 4th at the Brandon Parkway Trail in the morning
Pam - 3.2 miles
Bonnie F. - 3.2 miles

Wednesday, April 8th at the Brandon Parkway Trail in the evening
Deborah - 3.0 miles
Bob - 3.0 miles
Tony - 3.0 miles
Bonnie F. - 3.0 miles
Mary - 2.2 miles
Bonnie P. - 0.0 miles

Saturday, April 11th at the Brandon Parkway Trail in the morning
Deborah - 3.2 miles
Bob - 3.2 miles
Tony - 3.2 miles
Bonnie F. - 3.2 miles
Mary - 2.2 miles
Marie - 2.2 miles

Total = 37.8 miles

Year-to-Date Total = 390.8 miles

Miles to go to hit "2009 Miles in 2009" - 1618.2 miles

It was beautiful on the Trail on Wednesday April 8th. Bob was back walking on the 8th with us. It was really nice to have him back.

We will be walking on the trail on Wednesday, April 15th at 6:15 PM. Gary will be in town and we hope he will join us on Wednesday evening.

Still time left to sign up for the JDRF Walk on April 18th. We will be car pooling and have more information about that by Wednesday, April 15th.

We are looking at signing the Namelss walking group up in the Weight Watcher "Walk-it Challenge". The Challenge starts a April 12th and runs through June 6th. I will have more details next week.

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