Saturday, December 22, 2007

And Now A Word Or Two From Cindy

I was wondering where Cindy was. And while she was not on the walk with us today she was using her time for good purpose. She was visiting with Sally. From Cindy's post below it is clear that we all need to congratulate Sally on her accomplishment. Cindy also reminds us that the Holidays are squarely upon us. This is truly the most wonderful time of the year. Let's all celebrate with those we love and enjoy seeing and hearing from during the holidays, but let's be careful to keep the celebration mostly in the heart and mind and not so much in the mouth and stomach! I for one, have far to many holiday memories that I wear until this very day.....yada, yada, yada. As for nice Irish bars, to me they are all nice and far too ubiquitous. I've only once had an unpleasant experience in an Irish pub! It was several years back while visiting in Kilarney...oh no! there he goes again...oh well, another time.

From Cindy:
"So, as you all are walking, I am at WW visiting Sally. Knowing that this weekend would be a slow time for that place, I find time to sit and chat with her and share a laugh or two. I was torn to "go for the walk" or visit my Old Friend. I call her that, with admiration and fondness, and pure friendship that we had developed over the last 12 years. I MISS HER A BUNCH. If you haven't noticed, Sally has lost over 20 pounds and she is doing great on the new program. I better read the material..MUST be good stuff...My home has been invaded, plenty of family for the holidays. I could have used the walk just to GET AWAY!!!!! I am officially done with my shopping and have just been informed that Christmas dinner is now at my home, and I will be playing host to over 20 people. Good thing my husband is a great cook. Would anyone else like to join us? Open invitation to you all. If not for anything , we should all get together for a TOAST for the New Year. Hey Gary, how about a nice Irish Bar????

Merry Christmas my Friends......C ya all soon...


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