Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Here I go again.....Thinking.....

I was thinking. Ya know, I don't do that much when it's late at night. After a full day, I sort of chill and let me mind empty. But as I sit here, it's about 9:45 and I find myself thinking of Dale and Joan. I too like Clay , enjoy learning something new each week as we walk and Joan and I have had more time to talk because we are the SLOW WALKERS. Last week, we laughed about our short leg span, our 2 to 1 steps we take, and our desire to get better at this walking thing. We look good starting out. Great intentions, great expectations, but somewhere around the first real bend in the road, we tucker out.

We talk as we walk. Most of our "gossip" talking was about MEN. No, nothing bad, just a common discussion on communication and how it disappears after many years of marriage. We joked about the lack of understanding one another, the long periods of silence, and the idea that us wives just can't figure out why husbands change so much over the years, Imagine that, THEY CHANGE. God knows it's not us females. We are the same perky, youthful, sparky, young looking girls that drove these men to give up their fun stuff with their friends and dream of having a big family, the cat and dog, and the mortgage that won't be paid off until he hits 72. They change. Yes sir, it sure is not us girls.

WAIT JOAN, slow down, I can't complain and walk fast at the same time. I am losing my breath and I have so much more to talk about. I am not as young as I use to be. ya know, I am in my 50's. Hey look, Bonnie & Bonny are light years ahead of us. Why do they walk so fast? Wonder what they are up to? Even Julie makes Joan & I look bad. SLOW DOWN, enjoy the view ladies...

Ok, back to the complaints about MEN. Will someone please explain to me why men can fix everything, know how to get anywhere, and can tell you useless information, but can't remember to take the garbage out or even know our middle names or birthdate? YES! I remember my first date and the exact song that was playing on the radio when I got my first kiss. HUH? You guys don't????? See, us girls don't change. Men do....

I sure can't type as fast as I use to and my eyes get blurred if I sit at this computer to long. This chair must be old because comfort is no longer the first word that comes to mind when I sit in it for hours. No sir, I don't change. It's the world around me that is spinning and changing.

WOW, that is it.....I don't change. Old habits need to be broken, new habits need to be made.
I need to stop and smell the roses and not just remember the scent. I need to take off my rose colored glasses and look, really look with my eyes wide open. Listen with a open mind as well as being all ears, and remember to give with my heart and not with my "every day" answer that has served me well after all these years. Yep change is needed. Change is good, and I am ready,

Ok, off to bed, I am beat...I will change "tomorrow".....

Rose Francis

1 comment:

Clay O' Shea said...

Rose Francis, this is great stuff and the thing that insight is built on. What a fantastic post. I really appreciate your candor.
