Wednesday, January 2, 2008

New Year! New Me! Here we go again....

Happy New Year.... : )

I had a thought today and wanted to share with each of you.

I have been lazy. I was off from work, off from life, just plain turned off over the last 10 days. Getting rid of my vacation days before year end was not planned well and I had to take the last week off of the year. (bad planning?)

What I did was not my norm. I ate whenever, I slept whenever, and I did whatever I wanted to without reason, results, or even desire. I just did. I found myself not being myself. Ever get like that? It looks like me, sounds like me, but the thinking was not me. I knew better, but honestly, I didn't care. Weird kind of way, I was the OLD Cindy, ya know, the one before my 13 years on WW. I promised myself that I would return right after the New Year. DID I SAY THAT? Did I just say the number one excuse of the year for not eating right? Could I possibly be "one of them"? Go figure. I am human after all.

I read the Blog this morning. I read it for the second time in fact. Something that Gary said stuck in my mind and I wanted to go back and read it again. I wanted to see if I really understood him.The "holidays that he wears" still with him over the years. ( Well, it went something like that.) Gary, how wise your words are. You really need to share more often. We all love the holidays. It is the memories, the good food, the great moments, and the feeling of warmth that is generated over the Holidays that we try to recreate. Year after year. I always said, enjoy the holidays with family and friends and remember not to stress, but ENJOY... I hope you all did.

I was stopped at Publix on New Years Eve. I went in to get a few "last minute" items and had a full buggy by the second isle. Here I am, throwing as much as I can in, (end of year you know) and I get stopped by a former WW member. She greets me with a HUGE smile and proclaims to me, "I'll be back on Sat to see you, I can't weight to go back to WW"......Ok brain say something smart, say something to inspire her, motivate her and make her feel excited to go back. I smile, gently pat her on her arm and tell her all about the 6:30 am meeting that has the best, DID I SAY THE BEST, members that can make her feel welcome, make her feel good about herself, and help her to be successful. I bragged about the BLOG, the walking Club and I named names and even place seatings. I talked for at least 10 minutes. I acted as if I was a Leader or something, as if I had the knowledge to help her get her foot in the door and help her to want to stay. Old habits are hard to break. She asked about the leader. Okay, I am lost here brain, no words, no thoughts. And then it hit me. I put a smile on my face and said, "It doesn't matter who leads, it only matters on who follows"....

Happy New Year..This will be a New one for me as well. I have made a few resolutions, just a few. I hate to over state, and under perform. Take life easy.

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