Monday, March 24, 2008

An Interesting Observation


Mario Puzo had only written a 20-page outline of his novel The Godfather when Paramount Studios exec Peter Bart decided to buy the film rights. The book was released in 1969 to rave reviews and, on this date in 1972, the film version made it to theater screens. Director Francis Ford Coppola and Puzo wrote a screenplay that was so faithful to the novel, that Coppola insisted on calling the movie Mario Puzo's The Godfather.

Quote: "Friendship and money: oil and water." — Mario Puzo and Francis Ford Coppola, The Godfather III
Likely one of the best films ever made, to really get all the movie had to offer and to see how absolutely brilliant Francis Ford Coppola is, one needed to sit and pay attention. I have seen the movie no less than 25 times and I still find new things everytime I watch it.
However, as with most things the newer generation is able to distill the essence of an epic and reduce it down to the significant parts. To wit, watch the following video and tell me if you don't think these kids are as brillliant as Francis.

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