Saturday, March 15, 2008

It's St. Patrick's Day-Technically!

It is indeed approaching St. Patrick's Day which has been traditionally celebrated on the 17th of March. I personally have never celebrated St. Patrick's Day (officially) on any other day than March 17th. However, as evidence that very little is certain in life, Tony did some rersearch to learn more about the good Saint and the spirit in which his big day is celebrated. Much to my chagrin, Tony found through his studies the Church of Rome has ruled that when St. Patrick's day falls within holy week there is some alternate procedure that must be followed in order to properly recognize Patrick. Not that I am brash enough to defy the Vatican, but this ruling is stressful and after long and considered thought I have decided to ignore Rome and celebrate St. Patrick's day on Monday. I am curious though to see if the pub keepers have fallen in line with Rome or if they have decided to honor tradition. I have a friend who owns a thriving pub in Pinellas....I think I need to give him a call. In matters of religion I generally seek out the publican before the priest.. It has been more effective for me over the years.

Oh! I made this collage just for my Nameless Walker friends. It contains pictures that capture many memories of Ireland and good times gone by. The arm and the greyhound tattoo belong to a very dear friend of mine (also Italian Tony). For those who are curious, the design was taken from the cross a Dissert O'Dea Castle in County Clare. The big cross in the collage is that very same cross. The cross sits in the middle of a cow pasture now. However, my Italian friend with the Irish (Celtic) tattoo now rescues greyhounds as a means to repent for his wild youth. He is truly a wonderful man and I will lift a pint or two in his honor this Saint Patrick's Day.

I'll also be lifting a few for my friends in the Nameless Walking Group. By way of recommendation, I suggest that you each tip one or two in honor of the good Saint and then look at the picture of Bono and of St. Patrick in my collage. Do you think, maybe, could it be? 1500 years and the same, wouldn't that be something?


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