Great Moments In Gender Sports
"I demanded a strange bride-gift such as no woman before me had dared ask of a wit I desired a husband without meanness, without jealousy and without fear"....Madb (Mauve) from the Tain Bo Cualnge, a great Irish epic -----first documented circa 11th century
Abducted by Paris from Menelaus of Sparta, Helen became the reason for the Trojan Wars and was reknowned as "the face that launced a thousand ships" She also plays a significant role in both the Illiad and the Odessey---circa 5th century
"Nations go to war over women like you. It's just a form of appreciation"......from a modern pop song
For my money, the plain fact is that men have always liked women and love to please them. However, there has always been a major difference in how we each look at life, in what we value and in what we offer in tribute. The stories I could tell in learning this lesson! Lysastrada, one of my all time favorite stories" is a wonderful study of the clash in perception of what pleases a woman (and what can happen when you don't succeed). For a more modern version of this tale try "To Marry an Irish Rogue" by Lisa Hendrix.
As a quick example, I'm certain that after nearly the entire civilized world went to war to retrieve or retain would call this a romantic notion worthy of the full attention and favors that not only Helen, but any woman, of these nation's might have to offer. On the other hand, dare I even write what I believe women think of such endeavors.
Likewise, the Tain is in a sense the Irish version of the Illiad and centers around the exploits of Ailill, Madb and CĂșchulainn along with a cast of other characters. Why this is relevant is that Madb is a very influencial woman and daughter of a powerful Irish King. She marries under her own terms, finds a man who adores her, treats her as an equal and together they go off to conquer Ulster and take possession of the great bull, Donn Cuailnge. If you want to know why you will have to read the story. Bottom line though (from a man's perspective) is that Madb could have had anything she wanted by just taking her lead from Ailill. Instead, she wants the bull, so Connaught and Ulster go to war. Everybody ends up a mess or dead and in the end Madb is still miserable. The good news is that Helen and Madb both inspired some of the greatest literature in the world. The bad news is that the characterer differences between men and women haven't changed much over the centuries.....and for my money I hope these differences always remain. At heart, I am (and will remain) a caveman romantic as are most of my friends. We love our women, want to provide for them, keep them safe and out of harm's way. I want to be king of the cave and have my word accepted as law. I don't want to sit and watch sad movies, or shop six months before Christmas Eve, I don't always remember birthdays, anniversaries or the date and time of my first kiss (I do remember who though.....trophy!). It was sweet, sweet Christine 13 years old I thought she was a goddess, ahhhhhhhhhh! Oops, back to reality, because it pleases my wife I try to be attentive and always let her know where I am, I'll do my best to remember stuff and I try to listen. I really do try to do all this sensitive stuff, but at the end of the day I'd rather just bring home a fish that I caught myself, have her tell me that it was the finest fish she ever saw and then kiss me for being her hero! Oops....back to reality AGAIN!
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