Monday, February 25, 2008

Walking with the men, I think this is a 4 Seasons new hit!.

I had the opportunity to "walk" with the men. A first for me, and also a lesson....

Now first of all, I must say, that they were being perfect gentleman, because I only got one comment on my small baby steps, compared to the GIANT MAN size that they take. They walked at a slower pace then usual and for some strange reason, no one commented or even asked that I pick up the pace. I was in awe with the conversation that was I was allowed to listen to and participate in. After all, I was in MAN territory.
The men.......Gary, Bob & Tony. This is a group like no other, and here I was listening to them talk. Bob loves the 4 Seasons, and quickly into the conversation, I was taught the beginnings and fun facts about Frankie Vallie and the others that made up the group. Gary quickly jumps in, almost as if he was ready to take over the 4 Season's theory for Bob, with more facts, lines from the play, and fun facts that had us all laughing. Tony stops, takes a picture with his watchful eye, of something beautiful, awesome, and a once in a lifetime sight. How did he spot that right in the middle of Joe Pesce, mafia, and the 4 Season's? Must be his Italian blood coming out? Gary now is in full force about the 4 most popular songs they made, Bob quickly adds the sighting of Frankie Vallie to the play on Wednesday, Tony stops and take another picture. Me, I am sweating, out of breath, my underwear is creeping where sunshine doesn't shine, and I add a few lines here and there but truly out numbered. Fun facts. These guys know it all. They laugh at each other.
Conversation turns to politics. Wow, what view points, Clearly Bob has a strong opinion, Gary is right behind him. Tony stops and takes another picture. Funny tho, with each picture he takes, the men stop, take a look at what his camera is pointing to and comment on his great shot. I ask, will that thing bite, what the heck is that, and will that ugly thing come up to the sidewalk? They just look at me and shrug their shoulders. WHAT, was it something I said? I think I have lost 10 pounds by the amount of sweating that is going on. I fear I am stinking about now. The guys don't seem to notice. Or, maybe they are accustomed to it. After all, these are men....
Men...Well the conversation gets quite. Tony and Gary are talking alone. Bob and I are in front. We recognize the sad words spoken and the delicate conversation and soft tone used. For a split second I wanted to be a girl, say something soft and feminine but knew it would spoil the moment and their conversation. I listen to them speak. I learned that Tony got the nickname "godfather" for the right reasons. I learned that Gary has learned a valuable lesson in life and is coming to terms with a softer understanding and approach for results. I learned that Bob is a great friend to Gary, and has a immense respect for Tony. Ya know, it is a guy thing, a guy bond, but I got the Chance to see it, hear it, and watch it in action. I am blown away. I am honored as well.
Men, still a mystery to me. I can hang with them, laugh with them, and even manage to walk , "alright, alright, they went slow for me", but I still marvel on how they have this thick outer macho exterior, while having a soft, knowledgeable, fun interior.
We made it to the finish line. Once again, 3.2 miles done. I have my jacket off by now, I can smell my armpits, and my pants and shirt are stuck to my body. I am so uncomfortable and I notice, only I notice. The guys didn't notice nor care. I was one of them, a girl walking with guys, walking like a man...... : )

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